Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Right Now!

Opening tonight the 21/9 at Galerija ŠKUC, Stari trg 21, 1000 Ljubljana

Working Drawings and Other Visible Things on Paper Not Necessarily Meant To Be Viewed as Art (After Bochner)

Participating artists: Bengt Adlers (1950, Sweden), Conny Blom (1974, Sweden), Mel Bochner (1940, US), Kalle Brolin (1968, Sweden), Vasja Cenčič (1973, Slovenia), Martin Creed (1968, UK), Kajsa Dahlberg (1973, Sweden), Jeremy Deller (1966, UK), Ditte Ejlerskov (1982, Denmark), Milanka Fabjančič (1982, Slovenia), Vadim Fishkin (1965, USSR), Johan Furåker (1978,
Sweden), Alexander Gutke (1971, Sweden), Felix Gmelin (1962, Germany), Carl Michael von Hausswolff (1956, Sweden), Ištvan Išt Huzjan (1981 in Slovenia), IRWIN (1983, Slovenia), Janez Janša (1973, Slovenia), Janez Janša (1964, Croatia) and Janez Janša (1970, Italy), Stine Marie Jacobsen (1977, Denmark), Lisa Jeannin (1972, Sweden), Žiga Kariž (1973, Slovenia), Clay Ketter (1961, US), Jukka Korkeila (1968, Finland), Anna Ling (1971, Sweden), Anna Lundh (1979, Sweden), Miltos Manetas (1964, Greece), Jonathan Meese (1970, Japan), Kristina Müntzing (1973, Sweden), Jesper Norda (1972, Sweden), Björn Perborg (1974, Sweden), Magnus Petersson (1971, Sweden), Adrian Piper (1948, US), Klara Sax (1997, US), Lina Selander (1973, Sweden), Nataša Skušek (1967, Slovenia), Nina Slejko Blom (1982, Slovenia), Nedko Solakov (1957, Bulgaria), Mladen Stropnik (1977, Slovenia), Annika Ström (1964, Sweden), Stefanos Tsivopoulos (1973, Greece), Ulla West (1954, Sweden), Leon Zuodar (1977, Slovenia) and Serkan Özkaya (1973, Turkey).

I show some alchemical drawings

Another opening at Rättviks Konsthall of the  Kännbart exhibition.
Here is a link with some images of our work:


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Den Filosofiska Sirenen

Here are images from our public work "The Philosophical Siren" Den filosofiska sirenen at Pålsjöbadens Kallbadhus in Helsingborg.
 Photos by Henk Schuurmans

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Solve et Coagula at Christian Larsen gallery

                                                         Photos by Rolf Schuurmans

                                         Elixir of Revelation by Alchemillas Apotek
                                                    Photos by Katarina Falkenberg

Recension i SVD 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Solve et Coagula


OPENING TODAY MAY 12, 6-8 PM, 2016


TUE - FRI 11-6 PM, SAT 12-4 PM

Stillbild ur Solve et Coagula, 2015.
Lisa Jeannin & Rolf Schuurmans 
"Solve Et Coagula"
12 maj - 23 juni 2016
(Scroll down for English text)
CHRISTIAN LARSEN presenterar Solve et Coagula av Lisa Jeannin & Rolf Schuurmans.
"Allt började med ett paket på posten. Vår dotter, Lila, som vid denna tidpunkt var 6 månader fick en bok av sin morfar. I boken fanns ett mystiskt brev. Boken är en samlingsvolym med berättelser om riddare och riddarskapets dygder. En komprimerad version av Don Quixote finns med bla och även en historia av Paul Féval som handlar om en riddar Jeannin. Vår dotters morfar hintade i brevet att vi skulle vara släkt med denna riddare och att berättelsen inte var ett fiktivt verk. Brevet avslutades med “Ibland ligger fiktionen närmare verkligheten.” Vi gav oss ut på en resa på jakt efter riddaren , men resan blev snarare en inre alkemisk upptäcktsresa. “ 
/Lisa Jeannin och Rolf Schuurmans. 
Solve et Coagula betyder att upplösa och sammanföra; det är ett latinskt maxim inom alkemi, vars praktiska utövning kallas för den spagyriska konsten. 
Alkemi som teori och praktik har misstolkats genom årtusenden, och har i vulgäruppfattning reducerats till misslyckade framställanden av guld och elixir för evigt liv. Den sanna alkemin har traditionellt sysslat med noggranna observationer av transformativa processer i allt levande; den har sökt kartlägga den röda tråden som håller ihop de mest skilda manifestationer av liv från minsta insekt till en planet. Alkemin i både dess historiska och nuvarande form, som fortfarande utövas och utvecklas på många platser i världen, drivs av en teori om att allt som existerar är ETT, en slags “unified field theory” som även ligger till grund för merparten av forskning inom den moderna fysiken. På det sättet närmar sig alkemin en samtida uppfattning om världens beskaffenhet och är därmed återigen aktuell idag. 
Konstnären Lisa Jeannin, tillsammans med maken och partnern Rolf Schuurmans, tillhör några av Sveriges få utbildade och dedikerade utövare av den spagyriska konsten. De skapar elixir, en slags medicin som distilleras ur en mängd olika mineraler, växter och metaller, under hundratals olika tidsvariabler i harmoni med naturen och de synliga planeterna. De bryter ner substanser till beståndsdelar, av vilka de skapar nya substanser. Elixirens syfte är att väcka de olika livskrafter som finns latent i varje människa, för att uppnå transcendens och djupare utveckling. 
Samma princip, solve et coagula, ligger i grund för hela deras konstnärskap. Intuitiva storytellers, Jeannin och Schuurmans hämtar olika beståndsdelar ur både den personliga och allmänna historien, sin vardag, filosofi, religion, psykologi och vetenskap, och blandar ihop ett konstärligt elixir i form av abstrakta filmer, symbolladdade objekt och mystiska performance. De bjuder in betraktaren till en värld fylld av mysticism, mirakel och ödmjukhet inför allt som vi ännu inte vet, men ibland anar. Jeannin och Schuurmans iscensätter ett laddat möte med det okända, och de gör det med besked. I utställningen på galleriet möts vi av ett stort antal gåtfulla objekt i brons, presenterade i strikt planetär ordning, av sju nybryggda elixir samt av en delvis animerad spelfilm, tonsatt av konstnärernas dotter Lila. All elektrisk belysning är ersatt av levande ljus. På vernissagedagen utför de ett performance där alla som önskar får ta del av elixiren i en noga uttänkt ritual. 
Lisa Jeannin, född 1972 i Uppsala, är utbildad vid Konsthögskolan i Malmö. Rolf Schuurmans, född 1972 i Oss, Holland, är utbildad vid Konsthögskolan i Tilburg. Konstnärerna bor i Hakebo, Småland. Parallellt med utställningen på galleriet är Jeannin & Schuurmans aktuella i samlingsutställningen Samlade verk! 30 år med Maria Bonnier Dahlins stiftelse på Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, samt i Kännbart , Kulturens Hus i Luleå som sedan reser vidare till Virserums Konsthall. Konstnärernas nya offentliga verk Den Filosofiska Sirenen invigs I Helsingborg, Pålsjöbadens Kallbadhus den 2/6. 

(English Version)
Lisa Jeannin & Rolf Schuurmans 
Solve Et Coagula 
12 maj - 23 juni 2016
CHRISTIAN LARSEN presents Solve et Coagula by Lisa Jeannin & Rolf Schuurmans.
"It all started with a package. Our daughter, Lila,  who was at this time 6 months old,  recieved a book from her grandfather. Inside the book was a curious letter. The book was a collection of fairy tales about knights and chivalery. A short version of Don Quixote was included in this book but also a story by Paul Féval about a knight called Jeannin. Our daughters grandfather hinted at the possibility that  we might be related to this knight and that the story was in fact not a work of fiction. Sometimes fiction is more true than facts the letter ended. We started a journey in search for the knight, but it  actually turned out to be more of an inner alchemical journey of discovery”. 
/Lisa Jeannin & Rolf Schuurmans
Solve et coagula means to dissolve and merge; it is a Latin maxim in alchemy, whose practical application is named spagyrics
The theory and practice of alchemy have been misinterpreted throughout the millennia; the vulgar understanding of it had reduced all alchemy to failed production of gold and the elixir of eternal life. The true alchemy has traditionally dealed with careful observations of the transformative processes in all living things; it has sought to follow the common thread that holds together the most diverse manifestations of life from the smallest insect to a visible planet. Alchemy, in both its historical and current form, which is still practiced and developed in many places in the world, is driven by a theory that everything that exists is one, a kind of a unified field theory which is also the basis for the majority of research in the modern physics. In this way, alchemy approaches the contemporary understanding of the nature of the world, and is thus once again relevant today.
Artist Lisa Jeannin, along with her husband and partner Rolf Schuurmans, are some of Sweden's very few trained and dedicated practitioners of the art of spagyrics. They create elixirs, a kind of medicine that is distilled from a variety of minerals, plants and metals, with hundreds of different time variables, in harmony with nature and the visible planets. They break down substances into elements of which they create new substances; the purpose of the elixirs is to evoke the different life forces laying dormant in every human being,  to achieve transcendence and evolve.
The same principle, solve et coagula, determines the foundation of Jeannin and Schuurmans’ entire artistic oeuvre.  Intuitive storytellers, Jeannin and Schuurmans take different elements from both personal and general history, everyday life, philosophy, religion, psychology and science, and mix an artistic elixir in the form of semi-abstract films, symbolics objects and mysterious performances. They invite the viewer into a world full of mysticism, miracles and humility before all things that we do not yet know, but sometimes can sense. Jeannin and Schuurmans stage a charged encounter with the unknown, and they do it with a vengeance. In the exhibition at the gallery we are faced by a large number of mysterious objects in bronze, presented according to a strict planetaric order; the seven freshly brewed elixirs,  and a partially animated feature film, with darc ambient music composed by the artists's daughter Lila. All electrical lighting has been replaced by candles during the entire duration of the show.  On the opening night, the artists will perform a ritual during which all consenting visitors may taste and experience the power of the different elixirs. 
Lisa Jeannin, born in 1972 in Uppsala, was educated at the Malmö Art Academy. Rolf Schuurmans, born in 1972 in Oss, the Netherlands, studied at the Tilburg Art Academy. The artists live in Hakebo, Smaland. Parallell to the exhibition at the gallery, the artists will participate in the group show Collected Works! 30 years with the Maria Bonnier Dahlin Foundation at Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm. The artists’ latest public art project, Philosopher’s Stone, will be unveiled in Helsingborg, Pålsjöbadens Kallbadhus on June 2nd 2016. 

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Solo at Christian Larsen Gallery in Stockholm
Solve et Coagula
opening the 12/5
until midsummer
more information shortly!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Some news of what is ahead.
I will post more information when the time has come!

In march:
groupshow at RYMD  with  Fia Cielen, Julia Adzuki and others

In april:
Our public artwork "The philosophical Siren"
will be opened in Helsingborg

"Kännbart" the traveling exhibition where we show "The Medicinewheel"
Kulturens hus

Datum: 9 april 2016 - 5 juni 2016

In may:
groupshow at Bonniers Konsthall

Collected Works! 30 years with the Maria Bonnier Dahlin Foundation

What has happened in Swedish art since 1986? The Maria Bonnier Dahlin Foundation has supported young artists for 30 years. Now all 79 artists who have received the grant so far are gathered in this exhibition that will give unique insights into Swedish contemporary art history.

In june:
"Kännbart" the traveling exhibition where we show "The Medicinewheel"
Kalmar konstmuseum

Datum: 17 juni 2016 - 6 september 2016
Rättviks konsthall

Datum: 17 september 2016 - 30 oktober 2016
In october:
a groupshow with among many others Jonathan Meese, Nedko Solakov  called: "Working Drawings and Other Visible Things on Paper Not Necessarily Meant To Be Viewed as Art (After Bochner)" at Škuc Gallery in Ljubljana, Slovenia


Göteborgs stadsmuseum

Datum: 13 november 2016 - 19 februari 2017

Monday, February 8, 2016


Here are some more photos from the Medicinewheel from the exhibition Kännbart that is travelling to different museums in Sweden. Now it is in Umeå.

Foto: Per Torgén, Örebro läns museum
Thanks to Dejan Dosljak for assisting us in the making of the elementals

A Swedish art project
Art has a unique ability of reaching the inner self of us. The art project Kännbart explores the experiences of art and communication without hearing or vision. Vision represents 80% of our senses. Hearing represents 10 - 15%. How can we work with art when these two senses are not included? Kännbart explores expressions together with people with deafblindness.

The target group of the exhibition is individuals with deafblindness, people with vision and hearing impairment. At the same time it is an opportunity for anyone to meet art with new senses, anyone who is interested in experiencing art in a new way.

Six contemporary artists will create six new unique art pieces. The art pieces for this project will be addressed to a spectra of senses normally not in focus at the art scene. This exhibition gives us a new form of communication and understanding of emotions through art. The art is produced with new techniques and materials exclusively for
Kännbart. Every artist is focused on new dimensions for the experience of art; experiences without vision or hearing, the scent of art, the thought of art, the air of art and a new awareness of art. All artists work in close contact with or in collaborations with people with deafblindness to really find these new paths that have not been walked before. The Swedish Exhibition Agency (Riksutställningar) provides knowledge of new possibilities in materials and techniques to new art forms and expressions.
Kännbart is a platform for communication and meetings between individuals and art. It is also a project of accessibility and democracy. Art is one of the primary foundations for creativity and insights when it comes to: what it is to be a human being? Every society needs all of us to contribute to the shared knowledge and art is a prominent factor in understanding ourselves and the world. Therefore, the group of people with deafblindness is our leading reference and people with deafblindness are represented in both the operational project group and the steering committee.

Demonstration of the exhibition will be in Swedish sign language and spoken Swedish. Some of the demonstrators, hosts and guides at the museums will be people with deafblindness, deafness and people with visual impairment. Children from preschools and schools will be specially invited with guides that will key to a younger group which gives the children opportunity to explore and create their own art.
During the exhibition there will be seminaries, lectures and courses in related subjects held by people with deafblindness. Who will mediate and spread knowledge about deafblindness via adult education to the society, which is the main objective of The ABF of Sweden (ABF).
Kännbart opens in Örebro, November 2015. During 2016 and 2017 Kännbart will visit twelve different locations in Sweden.

The head of the art project
Kännbart is The ABF of Örebro district (ABF Örebro län) in collaboration with the Association of the Swedish Deafblind (FSDB) and Swedish Exhibition Agency (Riksutsställningar). Funds for the project are provided by the Swedish Inheritance Fund (Arvsfonden).

*Kännbart means Touchable in english
