Friday, October 20, 2017



Här är alrunorna i Persbo. Läs mer om Persbo Studio.

Finnissage Kännbart

Sista kvällen med Kännbart på Scenkonstmuseet.
Alla  konstnärerna och "förstärkarna" var med. Tillsammans skapade vi taktil upplevelsebaserad konst! Det var stort! Läs mer om Kännbart här.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Here are some images from Scenkonstmuseet in Stockholm. It is the last stop of the travelling exhibition "Kännbart", which is a tactile exhibition. What happens when sight and hearing are not in the centre?
Asha White Eagle Wing closed the circle as she opened it in the beginning of the journey , with a drumtravel on our medicine wheel.
These photos are by Julia Adzuki.
more here

foto: Jonas André

Sunday, May 14, 2017

The Alchemist´s Kitchen and the Travelling medicine Show

We had a residency at Het Bos in Antwerpen.
During 3 weeks we worked with spagyrics and alchemy. Charlotte Koopman from Otark , who cooks there every sunday breakfastclub and regularly dinners in Het Bos , used our spagyrics, essential oils and hydrosols  in her cooking.

We had 2 tents. One for our apotechary and one with our films.
We had our laboratory with us and people could come for consultations or just hang out.

Photo by Mieke Verbijlen.

Charlotte created 5 alchemical ices with our spagyric elixirs.
  Moondala edition , printed by Risiko Press. Read more here

                                            Here are some more photos by Mieke Verbijlen:


A big thank you to the one and only Dejan Dosljak who sew the tents for us.
A big thank you to  Sophie Stefens , aka  Venus in Cancer
who played records and read the cards.

Read more about spagyrics and Alchemillas Apotek here.